Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Free Work From Home Proposal Template to Show Your Boss 2022

If you liked our content, please support our site helping us to spread the word. This way we can continue creating much more FREE templates for you. There will be a lot of things your employer can argue about against remote work. But one thing is going to happen for sure -- either you're going to find a better work/life balance at your current job, or you'll jump the ship.

work from home proposal template

Asking to transition from office setup to remote work requires a little bit of struggle. So make sure you know what you're getting into, the problems you'll encounter when working remotely, the nuances, and everything else. Examples include ease of communication, availability to your coworkers, participation in meetings, productivity levels, and quality of work. Get clear on what you think are the most important measurements, include that in your proposal, and then be willing to talk it through with your manager. For example, there will be a trial period for three months at which point you and your manager will sit down to discuss how this is working for you and for the team.

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If you are proposing part-time telecommuting, specify which tasks will be done at home and which in the office. Negotiating a work-from-home arrangement in between orthodox office setup is complex. But, change is always challenging, be a pioneer, a flexible work arrangement is worth it. Be sure to let your manager know in advance about your situation, possibly by email, discussing your job responsibilities and work setup. Increased productivity, overhead cost savings, longer work hours, and fewer sick days are some of the highlights you can boast about. It would be best to get a rough idea of how standard working from home is in your industry or field of expertise.

work from home proposal template

Maybe you are hesitant to go back into the office for health reasons. Or perhaps working from home made you more productive or gave you a better work-life balance. Maybe the idea of commuting again makes you queasy, or you don’t have options available for after-school care. To write a remote work job proposal, spell out all the things mentioned in the answer to the previous question, add a professional greeting and farewell, and send it to the person it is intended for. See our professionally written template for an example of how it is done. Yes, many employees could request remote work, unless the nature of the job makes telecommuting impossible.

Proposal Template

With its laptop computer and green and white color scheme in the slide title, the WFH proposal PPT template is perfect for preparing a proposal for your work from home projects and presentations. Plus, the fact that it has both Powerpoint presentations and Google Slides files makes it an all-in-one solution that everyone in the team can use. We listed down top companies going permanently remote in 2021 here. Communication – Outline a plan for communicating with your coworkers, clients, and supervisor. Will you use project management software or chat software, such as Slack? In addition to coming up with a plan for daily communication, consider proposing a regular phone or teleconference meeting with your boss and any other teammates.

work from home proposal template

Giving your supervisor a clear next step to take after they review your proposal. This will keep your proposal moving forward and eliminate months of waiting for a response. Suggest a time for an in-person discussion to answer any questions about your proposal. Thank your employer for considering your request, and let them know when you will be in touch to follow up. Communicate daily updates of your tasks to your manager, along with your plans, schedules, and career goals. If you manage to grab a work from home day, consider it an investment and smash it.

Does Your Perfect Job Exist? Try Writing Your Own Job Description to Find Out

You will have room to expand on your points in later sections, so your intro should be a brief summary. As more and more jobs allow remote work, you may be looking to work from home, or telecommute, some or all of the time. A well-researched proposal can convince your supervisor that working from home is a beneficial arrangement for both you and your employer. It also demonstrates your ability to work independently and create a quality product — skills that are essential for a remote employee.

When you speak about telecommuting with your boss, you'll be ready to propose a solution to any objection raised. During this time, I've made many significant contributions like . Least to say, I take pride in my work, complete it on time & love every minute of it. Be flexible when negotiating a work-from-home arrangement. The more flexibility you suggest, the better your chances of getting a yes.

For over 50 years, strict adherence to our founder’s mission to provide quality equipment and professional service has been the company’s secret to success. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss your HVAC challenges. Not all companies, or jobs, will be compatible with telecommuting. But as the options for remote work and distance collaboration increase, more employers are considering working remotely as a regular part of employee scheduling. Introduce the proposal with a brief cover letter, particularly if it will be distributed to multiple people. The proposal itself should be modeled on a business proposal.

I put in my work from home proposal that I would include a note on my teammates’ calendars on the days I was working remotely that included my cell phone number. Freelance Graphic Design Proposal Template Need a more impressive proposal? This freelance graphic design proposal template will help you impress potential clients and win more business. Your list of accomplishments will help seal the deal as to why everyone benefits from your remote work arrangement. Put your achievements in a percentage, so management can immediately understand where and how you made improvements.

How to Negotiate Work-From-Home at Your Current Company (With Email Scripts)[Updated 2021]

For example, paramedics, firefighters, manual labourers, truck drivers, and other similar positions require your presence on the job location, at least in the moment. Please inform me if you have concerns about confidentiality or security for my computer, modem, and method for transferring client data so we can remedy this. Please note that said performance measurements can only be active or monitored during my scheduled workday, whether we decide on a strict hourly or casual/flexible time slots. The Balance uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles.

work from home proposal template

Make it easier to match your hours to clients who live in different time zones? Use sales tactics to show how the features of remote work create tangible benefits. Technology – What technology will you need to make this arrangement work? If you have a work laptop, tablet, or phone already, specify that you will continue to use those. If you plan to use your home computer, outline what software or modifications will be needed for you to complete your job responsibilities. Are you able to log into your company’s network from home now?

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